Providing full Architectural, Planning and Building Regulation services for a wide range of clients and building types, Ball Archutecture is able to translate your vision into reality and guide your project from conception to completion. 


Founded in 2014 by a small group of Architecture students lead by Nathan Ball, the company has since grown into what it is today and still directed by Nathan and his enthusiastic and energetic team. 




We are not only designers, we are problem solvers and project leaders. 


Put simply. We are just about creating the best build for your needs, saving you time and hassle along the way. By thoroughly investigating and planning in detail during the early stages, you will lay the foundations for a successful outcome.


Preperation of a complete Building Regs drawing packages, Planning Applications and conceptual designs. 


We use the latest technology, including BIM (building information modelling). Rather than coordinating lots of drawings separately we work on one building model using BIM. This updates all the drawings simultaneously every time we work on them, meaning there is less margin for error. We can also make changes easily such as adding a new window or door. You can visualise your space with advanced 3D modelling and interactive 3D floor plans, bringing your home renovation to life.






The amount of information and detail required for a planning application will depend upon the nature of the work intended and its effect upon the surrounding environment. The process can include consideration being given to wide ranging aspects, from aesthetics to the effect of the work upon the local infra-structure and including many others. We have developed a process which streamlines the design and application submission, using the latest software to enable us to take you through the process as painlessly as possible.


Full Plans 

Building Regulations


Building regulations approval is different from planning permission. You might need both. The Building Regulations cover matters of primarily of structural integrity, fire safety, energy efficiency, accessibility amongst others and ensure good standards are achieved. Without approval you will not have the certificates of compliance you may need when you want to sell your property. Our architectural and structural design teams can guide you through both the Building Regulation processes and we can apply on your behalf via our LABC partner. Talk to us about how we can add value to your project.

If you need planning permission, from a domestic extension to a commercial development, we recommend you consider Pre-Application Engagement with the planning authorities, as this this can save you time and money in the long-run. The Pre-App process can provide you with an early pointer to potential planning issues, at much less cost and in a shorter timescale than that of a full planning application. We can guide you through both Planning and Building Regulation processes and prepare and submit planning pre-applications on your behalf.